What is Focused Inbox?
Promotional and marketing messages have been moved to a new folder titled "Other." You should now only see what matters in your inbox “Focused Inbox.”
How do I enable (or disable) Focused Inbox?
This can be enabled (or disabled) in Edison Mail's settings, with the Focused Inbox toggle.
How does Edison Mail decide what is "Focused"?
There are many factors and signals we look at when determining what's included in the Focused Inbox. We use the Gmail primary label for Gmail accounts. For other account types, we have our own algorithm in place. Of course, there is never a one-size-fits-all solution for methods like this – if you have any sort of feedback or issues, please be sure to contact us. If you find that categorization is not working well, or isn't to your liking, you're welcome to disable it entirely in the settings.
A message has been mis-categorized, how can I move it?
If a message has been marked incorrectly as "focused" (or "other"), open the message, then tap the … icon. Finally, tap Move to Focused Inbox or Move to Other.
I've enabled Focused Inbox, but my badge count seems off - why?
Edison Mail also has a new preference addition for badge count settings: Focused Inbox only. Similarly, notifications can be set for only focused inbox items, should you choose. These can be found in Edison Mail's settings.
Want to learn more?
Download Edison Mail on the iOS App Store, Mac App Store, and Android Play Store.
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