What are Coupons?
Unlock the power of collective savings with our Coupons feature. Your own coupons can be accessed in the left-hand menu and in applicable emails to make saving easier. Updated regularly with the latest coupon codes.
How does the Coupons feature work?
- The Coupons feature is currently available for Edison Mail on mobile devices, and support will be added to macOS and Windows apps in the future.
- Will I be notified of new coupons? No, however our list (including individual vendors/merchants) will be regularly updated.
What is Coupon Sharing?
Get 1,000’s of exclusive coupons by sharing your own
Shares your codes with the community (we don’t share any personal info) and in turn access other shared inbox codes so that everyone can benefit. You can update your sharing preferences at any time in settings.
- Do I need to share my own coupons in order to access them myself? No, your personal coupons will never be locked or hidden, and you are not required to share these.
- Why share my coupons? Together We Can Save. Unlock 1,000’s of exclusive community inbox codes by sharing yours so that everyone can benefit when they shop. You can update this anytime in settings.
- Your one-time, personal coupons are not shared. This means any refund credits or individual codes you've received remain yours and aren't shared.
- Email discount codes are better! Discount codes received via email are more likely to carry a larger discount than those found on the web.
Troubleshooting steps below
- Are there any limitations on using the Coupons feature, such as limits on the amount of times a coupon can be used? This can vary from coupon to coupon, and ultimately this up to the vendor/merchant issuing the code.
How do I disable the Coupons feature entirely?
To disable Coupon Sharing, follow these instructions:
- Open Edison Mail
- From the app menu, tap Settings
- Tap Coupon Sharing and then disable the button so the feature isn't in use.
To hide the Coupons section of the Assistant, follow these instructions:
- Open Edison Mail
- From the app menu, tap Edit List
- Deselect/uncheck the Coupons section/folder, then tap Done (top-right corner) to save your changes.